Monday Ashford R.C.C Grade 1 Tap/Modern 4.00 to 4.40 Lydia
Ashford R.C.C Grade 2 Tap/Modern 4.40 to 5.20 Lydia
Ashford R.C.C Grade 3/4 Tap/Modern 5.20 to 6.20 Liz
Ashford Int Foundation Modern 6.45 to 7.15 Liz
Ashford Inter Ballet 7.15 to 8.15 Liz
Tuesday Wye Primary Ballet 3.50 to 4.20 Liz
Wye Level 1 Ballet 4.20 to 4.50 Liz
Wye Level 2 Ballet 4.50 to 5.30 Liz
Wye Level 3 Ballet 5.30 to 6.15
Wye Grade 2/3 Tap/Mod 6.15 to 7.00 Liz
Wednesday Wye Street Ages 6-9 yrs 3.45 to 4.15 Liz
Thursday Ashford Primary Ballet 3.45 to 4.15 Liz
Ashford Level 1 Ballet 4.15 to 4.45 Liz
Ashford Level 2 Ballet 4.45 to 5.15 Liz
Ashford Level 3 Ballet 5.15 to 6.00 Liz
Level 5 Ballet 6.00 to 7.00
Ashford Level 6 Ballet 7.00 to 7.45 Liz
Friday Wye Level 1 Ballet 3.50 to 4.30 Liz
Beginners/Pri Tap 4.30 to 5.00
(5.00 to 5.30 TBC)
Wye Level 2 Ballet 4.30 to 5.10 Liz
Wye Level 3 Ballet 5.10 to 5.50 Liz
Wye Level 4 Ballet 5.50 to 6.30 Liz
Wye Level 5/6 Ballet 6.30 to 7.15 Liz
Saturday Wye Pre-School Class 9.30 to 10.00 Liz
Wye Primary Ballet 10.00 to 10.30 Liz
Wye Inter Ballet 10.30 to 11.15 Liz
Wye Grade 5 Tap 11.15 to 11.45 Liz
Level 5 Ballet/Mod 11.45 to 12.45 Liz